Thursday, October 13, 2016

Today,I will discuss an easy question on my blog.

What do plants need in order to grow?

Sun -The sun provides warmth and energy for plants to survive. Plants use the sun’s energy to makes their own food energy in their leaves. Not enough sun will slow down a plant’s growth and even kill it. Too much sun can be a problem too, if the plant and soil are drying out too quickly.
Soil-Soil provides a base which the roots hold on to as a plant grows bigger. It also provides plants with water and the nutrients they need to be healthy. In turn, some plants become healthy food for us. Nutrients in the soil also help plants grow strong. Some nutrients that plants need are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. It is important for soil to be loose and not packed down. If the soil in a field is packed down (also known as being compacted), farmers plow it up before they plant their seeds.Compacted soil makes it harder for plant roots to spread out. This limits their access to soil nutrients and weakens the plant’s hold in the ground. The more room roots have, the more soil the plant can hold in place so it doesn’t wash away during a rain storm.

Air-Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air to use in the process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS (光合作用)(making their own food energy) and give off oxygen which we use. Pollution in the air, from machines, fires, and other sources, can block sunlight from plants. Harmful chemicals in pollution can be bad for plant growth too.
Water-Water helps the plant move nutrients from the soil up through its stems and leaves. Water keeps the plant moist, flexible, and helps the plant make its own food. When growing your own plants, pay attention to how often it rains and how long the ground takes to soak up the water. If it hasn’t rained in a while and the soil feels dry, you may need to water your plants. You can do this with a hose, a sprinkler, or a watering can. However, there is such a thing as over-watering your plants. A plant’s roots not only need room to spread out in the soil, they also need air! If the ground is OVER SATURATED, it has too much water and not enough air. Some plants can die if the water is not drained away soon enough.

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